Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The last night of being 19~

I am entering my 2nd decade of life soon, may be by the time I finish typing this, I will be 20 already. Haha..

Complicated feeling now. Sigh..Shouldn't feel like this but..don't know how to describe..No one will understand too..

My dilemma now is whether to go back to Klang to meet my friends who I have rejected all of their invitations tomorrow or just stay in vista to study for my upcoming EOS or figure out a way to visit my poor little son.

I don't like so many choices as this makes my indecisiveness more obvious. (=.=") Plans are not always as smooth as what we think they will be. That's why in COH after the step of analysing data, identifying priorities and creating strategies, there is always a step called "implementing alternative strategies." Wakaka.. What I learnt can be applied in real life. Not bad wor;)

I have a strong feeling that I will fail EOS miserably this time. Not to mention B+(my target), C might be difficult to get too. Jamie Jamie~ Where's your ohm?!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

10th of April

I want to write..but I type..

(Errr...what a lame beginning of my new post)

Erm..I think overall the Ball is good except a few regrets here n there..(late and missed the cocktail n photography session>.< feel so sorry, I held a big responsibility of making 7 of us late to the ball..still feels the "sour-ness" now..Haihz..We should have reached earlier n more things could have been done) The ball wasn't the same as my expectation-- less interaction was involved..Didn't get to take picture with everyone I know although I understand this is a bit difficult..Didn't get to dance like what I did in my previous prom..

We reached late for the afterparty too.. Only get to dance for not more than one hour..I was not that into the dance that night, perhaps need some alcohol beforehand..Was trying to hold back and restrict my movement thus making myself look

Hmmm..I felt glad yet a bit disappointed when I saw that message at 5am..Nothing to do with the content, but the way of expressing it.. Didn't know what to answer so chose to reply the next day.. However, we still decided to remain as what we are now-- like unofficial one that care about each other more than anyone else does.. This is the best way not to hurt anyone or end up with chaos in the future. Am I right? Please bear in mind that I appreciate you a lot..