My first thrilling yet joyful experience yesterday turned out to be a disastrous phenomenon(a bit exaggerated as I am trying to make it sounds terrible,XD) for me when I realize that my bracelet which I took out during extraction actually has a pair of wing~
It flew away from me, declared freedom and left its owner alone with a despair bleeding heart at home =.=
It didn't even get to say goodbye to me..WHY??? Why?? Why are you a newborn? Why are you made of white gold? Why are you not one of my cheap plastic jewelleries?? Haihz... NO..No complaining~ I don't even have the right to whine, because this is not my first time losing important belonging of mine.
JAMIE CHEW!! When will you get rid of your sotong-ish habit? I wonder will you misplace your denture next time in the restaurant and smile in front of the public without a single tooth!! Yes, I am cursing you! Sooo please be more alert next time! It's not the matter of how pricey the thing is, it is about how neglectful you are my dear~
Can any birthday girl or bday boy make a wish for me? Wish this is just a prank masked by my clumsiness and forgetfulness.. Wish that all these are false hallucination resulting from exhaustion.. Wish someone would laugh at me and say:" Hey stupid, isn't this what you have been looking for?"
YEAH... Tomorrow I will get back my beloved bracelet (^.^) Sweet dream tonight~ May be it will come back and find me during 头七 and report to me the location of its dead body..keke..
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