Aiyoyo..feel so great!! but before this I want to talk about how unlucky was I during the exam.. First..My correction tape had finished after I wrote the first answer in the first station=="(I always rely on it during exam~ Without it,my paper would be damn messy and this indirectly spoiled my mood..argh..nvm,small matter^^)
Then in the second station, we were given task to insert matrix band on 46. I accidentally cut my middle finger and the blood dripped out nonstop..The tray was dirtied by my sweet fresh blood and my hand started to shiver(did not complete the task smoothly:( Couldn't hold pen properly in the following stations..pain>.<
In the rubber dam placement station, the upper jaw kept dropping out from the mannequin and I didn't manage to finish the thing again.. Another case was Dr. Hanan complimented on my explanation for composite resin restoration procedure but unfortunately I didn't perform as what I explained..Hmmm...Why am I always like that?haha..
This reminds me of my theory exam where I'm able to explain well to my friends after exam but I didn't write it down in the paper..How sad~
No more A and B for DP =( Hopefully I can pass though:)
A note for myself to make me happy:
1. Dr.Ranjit gave me 20/20 and an "excellent" word in my BP station..(heard that he was very happy with everyone's performance..dental students rock!!hahaha
2. Dr. Francis said the word "GOOD" after I have done mouth and throat examination for the patient..That was comforting enough for me and it's ok even if I didn't score well =) Thanks to Kei Li and Ickes!!Otherwise I would just stunt and stone at that station..
3. Dr. Juriah and Dr.Sow said I didn't miss out anything when I asked feedback from them..glad~
HOLIDAY!!!GO SHOPPING!!!^o^ muahahahahaha

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