Kinda sleepy write in simplified form..hope that when i read this back in the future i will understand la..haha
One more day has past..didn't do anything which contributes to my like that la..useless..haha
Kinda in good mood though~The reasons are very simple..
1.Shu Qeng praised my fringe..=="weird..haha..
2.Being praised by a Cuba guy that I m beautiful..muahaha..(OMG!!never heard of this word since decades ago..)haha..He even said that it's my bf's pleasure to have such a nice gf..(swt..if this is true then I won't be single now la)
Although his words sound so untrue and exaggerative, but it is undeniable that compliments do make ppl happy^^
3. Cyan treated me lunch in Taman Esplanad..She said that I look slimmer now..(wakaka..not very obvious though)
4. Evan called me and we talked for about an hour..Mainly because he felt moody as he did badly in his presentation this morning..Then he said that he feels better after chatting with me..
(may be just to show appreciation cox I listened and gave advices to him)but somehow I am happy cox he is willingly to share his prob with me..means he trust me=>
5. Being considered as one's best friend..(Although this may be insignificant at all to others but it means a lot to me)
Ickes told me that he treats me as one of his close friends despite I do not think he does(oops..haha!)But since he claims that it is true,then what else can I say?of cox ntg else except to feel happy la;) muahaha
so many HAPPY repeated in this post..Cox I am really HAPPY ma..what to do..haha..
sleep la..noob~yor..suddenly feel so hungry..
>.< our fridge very nice meh...