Sunday, May 29, 2011

Funny day!

I couldn't stop laughing since just now.
YS told me his current "target" is me this afternoon when we what's app. He has been constantly praising me for being gorgeous, pretty, blabla..*wuak..must be blind!* I kept changing topic and tried to made him say his was just kidding but he insisted that he told me the truth.

At the same time, JS fb msg me and say will call me tonight to ask me something. He didn't call but I received a fb msg from him around 11pm:

[Actually there's just something i need to tell u. We've known each other for quite a while. Its might sounds weird to u i think...ive been missing u all the time. Wanna listen to ur voice everytime i think of u. U're just that special. I dont know how to describe the feeling. Maybe thats what happen when u like someone i assume. Ive been keeping this in my heart for some time. I feel that i just need to tell u that i really like u...from the bottom of my heart. p/s: i just wanna express my feeling to u. No matter what, we're still great frens k.:-)]

I can't help laughing after these two incidences today. OMG.. I just dono what to say other than diverting their focus to something else. Hmm..should I be happy cox it means that I still have some market value? LOL..Haihz..but why..why isn't it you..I just couldnt walk out from your shadow~ 3 mths are long enough my dear Jamie.. You didn't even need more than a week to recover 2 yrs back!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


我也不想我的blog充满着伤心的post, 可是我想发现没有人能听我诉说, 也找不到心灵的寄托,只好又回到这里自己写给自己看, 安静地往心里发泄~

也许我不擅于表达吧,我所说出的关心话,所做的东西, 所限制他们一些不益健康的习惯,都会被认为是一种指责,一种不重视,一种霸道无理的行为。

昨天叫妈妈不要常对电脑,会对已经开始麻痹了的手不好,她却可以从昨天到今天不停地借题发挥, 反倒说为什么又不会帮忙做家务, 不会心疼她做得很辛苦?搬来那么多次, 有剪过草吗?有煮过一餐给我吃吗?

还记得以前我剪草时,你说有剪等于没剪, 算了, 我没那种天份~
每次进厨房, 你又说我去捣乱,弄脏,可是至少有弄过不少早餐。最后一次是意大利面,或许你 不在乎, 所以不记得吧~



如果你真的不想看到我,觉得我很碍眼, 我可以学大姐,拜六礼拜少在家,就不用被说不帮你做家务;我也可以学桂如,身体弱生病就会让你心疼些, 爱护些~
