Thursday, March 31, 2011


二月二十号, 到今天的三月十一号, 原来我颓废了一个月十一天!
浪费了我的青春, 时间, 力气。。
从开心 期待 甜蜜
到冷淡 疑惑 讲明
到 无奈 看开 放下
到 回想 低落 伤心
啊!太傻了!!清醒咯jamie chew kwai yee!!

电话里的照片,谈天的内容,彻底地删除了=) 谢谢你曾经给我美好的回忆。我们都没错,都清楚了解为什么只能走到这里, 是我自己放不下而已。。下次见到你,我一定会让自己假装更坚定~
美好与不好的回忆, 该藏在仓库里,不去触动与影响心情^^

今天做了很白痴的事情。竟然去找jun ai 的patient's fb..然后跟shu qeng 一起stalk 他~ 然后两个人都很兴奋地在讨论他,说比牛肉好很多,要抢来抢去~ haha.. 好久没有笑到那样白痴了!

和她skype时,又逼她讲出一些她个人的惊人秘密。。('o') 讲一半又不讲一半, 逼到我都笑死了!
真的很谢谢她在我低落时一直陪着我, 鼓励我,安慰我,提醒我~
没有很多人懂我有几难受, 懂我难受的人又不了解为什么~
可能他们还心想我是笨蛋 @.@

上天对我太好了,有肯陪我谈天的室友, 肯跟我玩闹打羽球的朋友,还有疼我的家人~ 幸福一百分!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


我曾经大方地笑着对他说:跟你打睹你一定比我先拍拖的,哈哈! 可是如果真的实践了,我还会那么的潇洒与不在乎吗?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Be out of the box

Viewed world map with Hui Sze just now after dinner..We were like

('0') wa..
(0.o) ha?
('_")? Eh?

Jamie= a frog in the well who knows nothing of the great ocean
Jamie= someone who doesn't read news, neither being too busy nor too poor to buy newspapers. She is just lacking interest in those political critics, racism, crime cases, and thus choose to continue living in her own small box, believing that ignorance is bliss.. [How pathetic]

Arrr..Too many things are happening in the surrounding now. Life is not about you and yourself, it's not about wanting attention from someone else, it's not about dwelling in a sweet memory you have had, it's also not about waiting for fairy tale love story to find you and being emo if it doesn't come true.

Massive Sun explosion, mass suicidal of Arkansas birds and fishes, civil war in Libya, earthquake in Christchurch, flood everywhere, etc. They happened for reasons. I really don't know when is the world going to end, but I have a strong feeling that it is going to be soon. may be I'm a little pessimistic?

In spite of all, if I'm still alive after 2012(hopefully!*touch wood*), I want to explore many many places! I want to see falling snow in Korea, eat Rock Melon in Hokkaido, play extreme games in Universal Studio Japan, attend friends' graduation in New Zealand, take wedding picture in front of Eiffel Tower, honeymoon and have gondola ride in Venice, gamble in Las Vegas, go wild life safari in South Africa, bring my kids to Disneyworld US, ahhh...It's going to take forever to end this wish list.

Wakaka..sounds quite ambitious right? Yup..requires large amount of hard earned money and time..I want to depend on my own financial ability to fulfill this dream..Gotta work really hard now!! Roar~~