Reading and flipping through my sem7 timetable now..wait..What? sem7 you mean?
Yaa, I'm officially 4th year dental student now. Can I show you this face? ('0')!! Am I ready??
Looking back on the first day when I stepped into IMU, meeting the first dental student in underground car park, Alethea who is now in NUS, making my first new friend in IMU, Pui Seen, and taking first batch picture in Atrium.
Many say that people who study in medical field are all, or may be mostly nerds and bookworms who stay in Library 24/7, eat, shit and sleep with books of encyclopedia's thickness. But I can totally prove them wrong! Yes, you guys are smart, and in the mean time very playful and fun to be with too!!
Some of you are really all rounders! Hmm..I am thinking of::::
1. Paige, the excellent cook with creative mind and sophisticated hand skill
2.Arthur, the superb pianist who knows break dance and speak bombastic English
3. Amos, the well known joker who can play guitar and bring laughters to everyone
4. Izyan, who is pretty, sexy and has good vocal.
many many more that I just can't name all here one by one..

Our first dental pot-love, specially held for people who are single or have no places to celebrate Valentine's day like me;P Hmmm..(All of them in the pictures except me n Yun Teng have left to overseas or are ready to leave..)
Our first ever dental futsal game:

I remember it was raining heavily in the evening that day and the court was all wet and slippery. We took(or may be stole?) a big stack of January alumni news feed magazine and laid them over the ground hoping they can absorb away the water. err..this idea was bad simply because the papers are sort of "hydrophobic"..haha..anyway, not the main issue here cox we had tonnes of fun and laughters that night seeing many kaki bangku girls play futsal!! One of them was me of cox=P
Soon after that game:

2010 Chinese New Year potluck together with DT109..Ang ang bo hai lang! Huat ah!! What a memorable night with many senior-junior and lecturer-student interactions. We had fortune cookies and lucky draw too!
Also, we the pioneer batch of dental students, had the privilege to be invited to our Dean's house in Subang SS18:

Her house is designed and decorated as a mixture of Bali and Ancient China style. One word: WEIRD. haha..The night was filled with shouting, cheering and laughing: shout to answer quizzes, cheer for their own team who won and laugh at silly responses from the floor.
Erm, this picture: "the fastest" was wanted from each team and the winner will be the fastest to finished typing all the words on the screen using hp. *should have use my N97 keypad instead of Cyan's phone..shivered and kept pressing the wrong button.hahah..
Without realizing how fast time passes without mercy, we have been through so many things, from being strangers, to becoming closer and closer, followed by separation to different continents..Every bits and pieces, success and failure, laughs and tears that made up the diary of my life will be accepted as what it is, and be the lessons for me in becoming a better person.